Hi. Happy holidays! I am at my parents’ house in Fremont, California, just dissociating, so instead of doing literally anything else of vague material importance (my taxes, Christmas gift shopping, talking to my family), I thought I would relaunch my Substack! And we are relaunching it as: The KHole… not a reference to drugs, mind you, just a little reference to my name (K-ylie) and the word hole. OK???
What do I want to do with this, hmm… I write a lot, so I don’t really want to make my life harder or busier. But I just thought it might be really fun to do something with this platform—a weekly Friday game of Kill Marry Fuck with the news cycle; a space to live-watch/chit-chat about basketball and Sex and the City or whatever the fuck else together; record conversations with friends and force you all to listen; email you my selfies; do the occasional Q&A because I love to hear myself talk; break down my work/reporting, etc. That is not work for me, that is literally just me gabbing, something I do every day for free out of the goodness of my heart, and something I think you should all pay me $7 for!!! If you want!!!
Speaking of: Just to start, I thought we’d relaunch this bad boy with a holiday mail bag for my next email, if you want to anonymously send me any and all questions here, and I solemnly swear to reply to every single non-disgusting one (and maybe some disgusting ones, whatever) sent by Friday morning <3
OK. So, I think you should subscribe. And send me those questions. (I love to talk about basketball, TV, abortion, my dog, James Harden, ethical quandaries, 2000s sitcoms, Plato, social media trends, Kill Marry Fuck—ask about literally anything!! I love to talk!!) See you back here Friday, here’s a holiday card of me, my dog, and James Harden: